Principal Investigator
Dr. Grzegorz Soboń
Grzegorz Soboń received his doctoral degree and habilitation in 2013 and 2018, respectively. His research interests focus on ultrafast fiber lasers, nonlinear fiber optics, optical frequency combs and laser spectroscopy.
He is an author/co-author of more than 90 papers in JCR-indexed journals and over 150 conference contributions. He received multiple scholarships and awards for young scientists, among them: the Polish Ministry of Science and Education Prize, Polish Prime Minister Award for the PhD thesis, Scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, ABB Prize, scholarship within START programme funded by the Foundation for Polish Science (twice), and others.
He was involved in over 20 research projects, of which in 4 as principal investigator (funded by the National Science Centre, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Foundation for Polish Science).
Dr. Dorota Stachowiak
Dorota Stachowiak received her doctoral degree in 2017. Her research interests focus on all-fiber lasers and amplifiers and also on fabrication of high-power passive fiber components.
She is an author/co-author of more than 10 papers in JCR-indexed journals and over 10 conference contributions. In 2015 she took a part in the Short Term Scientific Mission - STSM within the project COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology - MP 1401 action.
She was involved in 5 research projects, of which in 1 as principal investigator (funded by the National Science Centre).
Dr. Jakub Bogusławski
Jakub Bogusławski received his doctoral degree in 2018. His research interests focus on ultrafast lasers and their practical applications in biophotonics.
After obtaining a Ph.D. degree from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, he was a post-doc in the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (Warsaw, Poland). This position included many research visits to the School of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine (USA). During that time, he also collaborated with high-tech companies in the medical diagnostics field. He also performed three research stays abroad: in Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and Aalto University (Finland).
Currently, he is a co-author of more than 20 papers in JCR-indexed journals, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Advanced Functional Materials, and Biomedical Optics Express. He received multiple scholarships and awards for young scientists: Scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, START scholarship funded by the Foundation for Polish Science, Max Born scholarship for Ph.D. students, and others.
PhD students
Aleksander Głuszek, MSc
Aleksander Głuszek received his master degree at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 2015. Both his bachelor and master theses concentrated on advanced electronics. During his studies he was already involved in research projects and students activities. He received multiple scholarships and awards for students, among them: the Polish Ministry of Science and Education Prize, students grant "Generacja Przyszłości" from Polish Ministry of Science and Education, double TOP20 award in Analog Design Contest organized by Texas Instruments Company. He has spent his first year of PhD studies at Rice University (Houston, USA) as a visiting scholar in laser spectroscopy field.
He is an author/co-author of more than 5 papers in JCR-indexed journals and over 20 conference contributions. He was involved in over 10 research projects (funded by the National Science Centre, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Foundation for Polish Science).
Olga Szewczyk, MSc
Olga Szewczyk graduated from Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 2018. Both her bachelor and master theses concentrated on fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers. During her studies she was also involved in a research project funded by Polish Ministry od Science and Higher Education.
She started the graduate studies at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology towards the PHD degree in 2018.
Dorota Tomaszewska-Rolla, MSc
Dorota Tomaszewska finished her bachelor and master studies in optics in 2018 and 2019, respectively. She started the PhD candidate program in October 2019. Her research interests focus on the topic of fiber lasers and free-space optics.
So far she presented the results of her research at an international conference (OPTO2018) and is an co-author of 3 JCR-indexed articles. She was involved in 2 research projects funded by the National Science Centre. She accomplished several schools and courses, e.g. the International Siegman School of Lasers.
Alicja Kwaśny, MSc
Alicja Kwaśny graduated from Wrocław University of Science and Technology on Bachelors Degree in Electronics in 2021, and master degree in 2022. Her bachelor thesis was related to controlling the laser dispersion control system using machine learning mechanisms. Her research interests focus on ultrafast lasers, signal processing and machine learning.
She was a member of PWR Radar Team, whose project won an audience award on 2020 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest. She was also a recipient of Intel's “New Technologies for Girls.” programme. During her bachelor studies, she finished two internships at ELI Beamlines facility.
Mikołaj Krakowski, MSc
Mikołaj Krakowski graduated Wrocław University of Science and Technology with Bachelor's Degree in 2021 and Masters Degrees in 2022 in the field of Applied Electronics. For his Bachelor's Thesis he has designed and developed a control system for ultra high voltage power supplies in high energy ion spectrometer in collaboration with ELI-Beamlines. For his master thesis he has constructed a Mode-Locked Fiber Laser doped with Thulium, the Master Thesis has been awarded second best in Poland by Polish Optoelectronics Committee and resulted in research paper published in 2022.
During his studies he has completed 3 summer internships in research centre ELI-Beamlines, where he took part in high voltage tests and developed software. Parallelly to his master studies he has joined Optical Frequency Comb Spectroscopy Group and started developing control systems. The cooperation quickly expanded to fiber laser systems development.
Currently he is a PhD student at WrUST, where he focuses on development of optical systems for laser pulse control with use of machine learning and dispersion control.Szymon Matczak, MSc
Szymon Matczak graduated from Wrocław University of Science and Technology on Bachelors Degree in Mechatronics in 2021, and master degree in Electronics and Telecommunications in 2022. His Bachelor thesis was related to modelling, fabrication and measurement of electrodynamic traps. The Master thesis was continuation of Bachelor thesis and was carried out as part of the project AO/1-9847/21/NL/KML, entitled "MEMS Based Mass Spectrometry" funded by European Space Agency (ESA). It was related to Investigation of the possibility of utilization non-standard ionization methods in a miniature quadrupole mass spectrometer including modelling, fabrication and measurement of the device. His research interest focus on Electronics, MEMS/MOEMS and optical fibers.
His main achievements are 2nd place in the national competition organized by PKME SEP for the Bachelor thesis entitled "Electrodynamic Trapping of Microparticles" which was the reason for the publication of the abstract of the Bachelor thesis in the book entitled “Trends and technological solutions in electrical engineering” published by the publishing house of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
In 2022 he started his PhD in Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and his research interest centers around designing and fabrication technology of optical fiber components for lasers and amplifiers.Katarzyna Kunio, MSc
Katarzyna Kunio graduated from Wrocław University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 2021 and a Master’s Degree in Applied Advanced Electronics in 2022. Her Bachelor’s thesis focused on designing a dipole RFID antenna in a Body Area Network, with the addition of a reflector, impedance matching circuit, and a balun. Her Master’s thesis focused on designing a diffractive optical element for the generation of a uniform “top-hat” X-ray beam from a Gaussian X-ray beam to be used in X-ray Diffraction Microscopy. This work was done in cooperation with Eli Beamlines in Prague, Czech Republic.
She started her PhD studies at the Doctoral School of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 2022.Former members
Zbigniew Łaszczych, PhD (currently post-doctoral researcher at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany)
Karol Krzempek, PhD (currently group leader at Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Technology)
Michał Porębski, Eng. (currently: MSc studies at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland)