- M. Krakowski, A. Kwaśny, G. Soboń, "Amplification of femtosecond pulses with AI-assisted spectral phase modulation," arXiv:2401.00467v1 [physics.optics]
- V. Silva de Oliveira, I. Silander, L. Rutkowski, G. Soboń, O. Axner, K. K. Lehmann, A. Foltynowicz, "Sub-Doppler optical-optical double-resonance spectroscopy using a cavity-enhanced frequency comb probe," Nature Communications 15, 161 (2024)
J. Bogusławski, A. Kwaśny, D. Stachowiak, and G. Soboń, "Increasing brightness in multiphoton microscopy with a low-repetition-rate, wavelength-tunable femtosecond fiber laser," Optics Continuum 3, 22-35 (2024)
- M. Germann, A. Hjältén, J. Tennyson, S. N. Yurchenko, I. E. Gordon, C. Pett, I. Silander, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, G. Soboń, A. Foltynowicz, "Optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy of formaldehyde in the 1250 to 1390 cm−1 range: Experimental line list and improved MARVEL analysis," Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 312, 108782 (2024)
J. Bogusławski, Ł. Sterczewski, D. Stachowiak, and G. Soboń, "Intracavity filtering in SESAM mode-locked fiber lasers: soliton effects and noise performance," Optics Express 31, 27667-27676 (2023)
- O. Szewczyk, Z. Łaszczych, G. Soboń, "Spectral compression and amplification of ultrashort pulses tunable in the 1650–1900 nm wavelength range", Optics & Laser Technology 164, 109465 (2023)
- Z Łaszczych, M Krakowski, G Soboń, "Mode-Locking Dynamics in an All-PM Figure-Nine Tm-Doped Fiber Laser", Applied Sciences 12, 10613 (2023)
- A. Kwaśny, J. Bogusławski, G. Soboń, "Multiphoton scanning laser microscope based on femtosecond fiber laser", Photonics Letters of Poland 14, 74-76 (2022)
- K. Stefańska, S. Majchrowska, K. Gemza, G. Soboń, J. Sotor, P. Mergo, K. Tarnowski, T. Martynkien, "Soliton trapping and orthogonal Raman scattering in a birefringent photonic crystal fiber", Optics Letters 47 (16), 4183-4186
- M. Germann, A. Hjältén, V.Boudon, C. Richard, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "A methane line list with sub-MHz accuracy in the 1250 to 1380 cm−1 range from optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 288, 108252 (2022)
- Z. Łaszczych, G. Soboń, "Three states of operation in the net-normal figure-nine fiber laser at 1560 nm", Optics & Laser Technology 152, 108107 (2022)
D. Stachowiak, M. Marzejon, J. Bogusławski, Z. Łaszczych, K. Komar, M. Wojtkowski, and G. Soboń, "Femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser source tunable from 872 to 1075 nm for two-photon vision studies in humans," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 1899-1911 (2022)
- J. Boguslawski, G. Palczewska, S. Tomczewski, J. Milkiewicz, P. Kasprzycki, D. Stachowiak, K. Komar, M. J. Marzejon, B. L. Sikorski, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, Z. Łaszczych, K. Karnowski, G. Soboń, K. Palczewski, and M. Wojtkowski, "In vivo imaging of the human eye using a two-photon excited fluorescence scanning laser ophthalmoscope," Journal of Clinical Investigation 132, e154218 (2022).
C. Lu, F. Senna Vieira, A. Głuszek, I. Silander, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "Robust, fast and sensitive near-infrared continuous-filtering Vernier spectrometer," Opt. Express 29, 30155-30167 (2021)
- K. Krzempek, D. Tomaszewska, A. Foltynowicz, and G. Soboń, "Fiber-based optical frequency comb at 3.3 µm for broadband spectroscopy of hydrocarbons [Invited]," Chinese Optics Letters 19(8), 081406 (2021)
J. Fellinger, G. Winkler, P. E. Collin Aldia, A. S. Mayer, V. Shumakova, L. W. Perner, V. F. Pecile, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, G. Soboń, and O. H. Heckl, "Simple approach for extending the ambiguity-free range of dual-comb ranging," Opt. Lett. 46, 3677-3680 (2021).
- O. Szewczyk, K. Tarnowski, A. Głuszek, D. Szulc, K. Stefańska, P. Mergo, and G. Soboń, "All-normal dispersion supercontinuum vs. frequency-shifted solitons pumped at 1560 nm as seed sources for Thulium-doped fiber amplifiers", Opt. Express 29, 18122-18138 (2021).
- A. Hjältén, M. Germann, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "Optical Frequency Comb Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of 14N216O at 7.8 μm", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 271, 107734 (2021).
Z. Łaszczych and G. Soboń, "Dispersion management of a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror-based erbium-doped fiber laser," Opt. Express 29, 2690-2702 (2021).
- A. Foltynowicz, L. Rutkowski, I. Silander, A. C. Johansson, V. Silva de Oliveira, O. Axner, G. Soboń, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, K. K. Lehmann, "Sub-Doppler Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Frequency Comb Probe", Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 063001 (2021).
- A. Foltynowicz, L. Rutkowski, I. Silander, A. C. Johansson, V. Silva de Oliveira, O. Axner, G. Soboń, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, K. K. Lehmann, "Measurement and assignment of double-resonance transitions to the 8900–9100-cm−1 levels of methane", Phys. Rev. A 103, 022810 (2021).
- D. Stachowiak, J. Bogusławski, A. Głuszek, Z. Łaszczych, M. Wojtkowski, G. Soboń, "Frequency-doubled femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser for two-photon excited fluorescence imaging", Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 4431-4442 (2020)
- A. Głuszek, F. Senna Vieira, A. Hudzikowski, A. Wąż, J. Sotor, A. Foltynowicz, and G. Soboń, "Compact mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser for broadband cavity-enhanced spectroscopy", Appl. Phys. B 126, 137 (2020)
K. Krzempek, D. Tomaszewska, A. Głuszek, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, J. Sotor, A. Foltynowicz, and G. Soboń, "Stabilized all-fiber source for generation of tunable broadband fCEO-free mid-IR frequency comb in the 7 – 9 µm range," Opt. Express 27, 37435-37445 (2019)
- K. Tarnowski, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, J. Sotor, G. Soboń, "Compact all-fiber source of coherent linearly polarized octave-spanning supercontinuum based on normal dispersion silica fiber", Scientific Reports 9, 12313 (2019)
- A.Głuszek, G. Soboń, J. Sotor, "Fast, universal, and fully automatic pulse-picker unit for femtosecond laser systems", Proc. SPIE 10974, Laser Technology 2018: Progress and Applications of Lasers, 1097407 (2018)
V. S. de Oliveira, I. Silander, L. Rutkowski, A. C. Johansson, G. Soboń, O. Axner, K. K. Lehmann, and A. Foltynowicz, "Sub-Doppler Optical-Optical Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Frequency Comb Probe," in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), S. Buckley, F. Vanier, S. Shi, K. Walker, I. Coddington, S. Paine, K. Lok Chan, W. Moses, S. Qian, P. Pellegrino, F. Vollmer, G., J. Jágerská, R. Menzies, L. Emmenegger, and J. Westberg, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper JTu6E.2.
A. Hjältén, M. Germann, I. Sadiek, C. Lu, F. S. Vieira, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, M. Stuhr, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Using Difference Frequency Generation Comb Sources at 3.3 µm and 7.8 µm," in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), S. Buckley, F. Vanier, S. Shi, K. Walker, I. Coddington, S. Paine, K. Lok Chan, W. Moses, S. Qian, P. Pellegrino, F. Vollmer, G. , J. Jágerská, R. Menzies, L. Emmenegger, and J. Westberg, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper JTu4D.3.
R. Dubroeucq, A. Głuszek, G. Soboń, and L. Rutkowski, "Optical frequency comb cavity ring-down spectroscopy using a time-resolved Fourier transform spectrometer," in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), S. Buckley, F. Vanier, S. Shi, K. Walker, I. Coddington, S. Paine, K. Lok Chan, W. Moses, S. Qian, P. Pellegrino, F. Vollmer, G. , J. Jágerská, R. Menzies, L. Emmenegger, and J. Westberg, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper JTu2E.5.
- V. S. de Oliveira, I. Silander, A. C Johanssson, O. Axner, A. Foltynowicz, L. Rutkowski, G. Sobon, K. Lehmann, "Sub-Doppler Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Frequency Comb Probe", 2021 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (Virtual): June 21-25, 2021. Talk FD09
- A. Hjältén, M. Germann, I. Sadiek, C. Lu, F. Senna Vieira, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, M. Stuhr, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "High-resolution Comb-based Fourier Transform Spectroscopy In The 3.3 μm And 7.8 μm Range", 2021 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (Virtual): June 21-25, 2021. Talk TB05
A. Hjältén, M. Germann, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "Precision Measurements of 14N 162O Using a Comb-Based Fourier Transform Spectrometer at 7.8 µm," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, J. Kang, S. Tomasulo, I. Ilev, D. Müller, N. Litchinitser, S. Polyakov, V. Podolskiy, J. Nunn, C. Dorrer, T. Fortier, Q. Gan, and C. Saraceno, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper SM1C.4.
V. S. de Oliveira, I. Silander, L. Rutkowski, G. Soboń, O. Axner, K. K. Lehmann, and A. Foltynowicz, "Optical-Optical Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Cavity-Enhanced Comb Probe," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, J. Kang, S. Tomasulo, I. Ilev, D. Müller, N. Litchinitser, S. Polyakov, V. Podolskiy, J. Nunn, C. Dorrer, T. Fortier, Q. Gan, and C. Saraceno, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper SM1C.3.
J. Fellinger, G. Winkler, A. S. Mayer, V. Shumakova, L. W. Perner, P. E. Collin Aldia, V. F. Pecile, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, G. Soboń, and O. H. Heckl, "Simple Approach for Ambiguity-Free Dual-Comb Ranging Using an Intrinsically Modulated Single-Cavity Laser Source," in 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper cf_9_3.
Z. Łaszczych and G. Soboń, "Dispersion-tailoring of a NALM-based all-PM Er-doped femtosecond fiber laser," in 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper cj_p_14.
R. Dubroeucq, A. Głuszek, G. Soboń, and L. Rutkowski, "Cavity ring-down Fourier transform spectroscopy based on a near infrared optical frequency comb," in 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper ed_p_1.
- V. S. de Oliveira, I. Silander, L. Rutkowski, A. C. Johansson, G. Soboń, O. Axner, K. K. Lehmann, and A. Foltynowicz, "Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Methane Using a Comb Probe," in 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper ed_3_1.
M. Germann, A. Hjältén, K. Krzempek, A. Hudzikowski, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "Frequency Comb Fourier Transform Spectroscopy at 8 µm Using a Compact Difference Frequency Generation Source," in 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper ed_1_4.
K. Krzempek, D. Tomaszewska, A. Głuszek, A. Hudzikowski, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, J. Sotor, A. Foltynowicz, and G. Soboń, "Mid-infrared frequency comb covering the 6.5 – 9 μm range with active output power stabilization," in OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (EUVXRAY, HILAS, MICS), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper MW3C.3.
- Z. Łaszczych, G. Soboń, "Dispersion management of all-PM NALM-based Er-doped fiber laser", 9th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference, 30.08 - 4.09.2020
- D. Stachowiak, J. Bogusławsk, A. Głuszek, A. Hudzikowski, Z. Łaszczych, M. Wojtkowski, G. Soboń, "Generation of 60 fs pulses at 780 nm by frequency doubling of Er doped fiber laser for two-photon excited fluorescence imagining", 9th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference, 30.08 - 4.09.2020
- F. Senna Vieira, C. Lu, I. Silander, A. Głuszek, G. Soboń, and A. Foltynowicz, "Continuous-Filtering Vernier Spectrometer with Improved Design and Performance", OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, paper LTu3C.5, 22-26 June 2020
- K. Krzempek, D. Tomaszewska, A. Głuszek, A. Hudzikowski, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, A. Foltynowicz, G. Soboń, "Compact 6.5 – 9 μm Frequency Comb Source for Fourier Transform Spectroscopy", OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, paper EM1C.2, 22-26 June 2020
- F. Senna Vieira, C. Lu, I. Silander, A. Gluszek, G. Sobon, and A. Foltynowicz, "Robust, Fast and Sensitive Near-Infrared Continuous- Filtering Vernier Spectrometer," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): Science and Innovations 2020, paper SM1M.5, 10–15 May 2020
- A. Głuszek, Z. Łaszczych, A. Hudzikowski, J. Sotor, G. Soboń, "Thermally stabilized, energy efficient, all-fiber optical frequency comb", CLEO Europe/EQEC 2019, Munich, Germany, 23 – 27 June 2019
- K. Krzempek, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, J. Sotor, G. Soboń, "All-fiber source for generation of tunable broadband fCEO-free mid-IR pulses for laser spectroscopy applications", CLEO Europe/EQEC 2019, Munich, Germany, 23 – 27 June 2019
A. Głuszek, A. Hudzikowski, J. Sotor, and G. Soboń, "Cost-efficient thermal tuning and stabilization system for fiber-based optical frequency combs", in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper JTh2A.113.
- K. Krzempek, A. Głuszek, D. Tomaszewska, Z. Łaszczych, G. Soboń, „Fiber-based mid-infrared frequency combs for laser spectroscopy and environmental monitoring”, Interdisciplinary FNP Conference, Warszawa, 11-12.04.2019
- G. Soboń, T. Martynkien, K. Tarnowski, P. Mergo, A. Foltynowicz, J. Sotor, “Coherence properties of frequency-shifted solitons generated in highly nonlinear fibers”, 8th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-state, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources, 2 - 7 September 2018, Barcelona, Spain